
Sunday, July 1, 2012

I remember why I avoid carbs: I love them like a toddler loves sugar!

My honey is recovering from his Thursday tonsillectomy and doesn't find many foods comfortable to eat. He's pretty much living on instant mashed potatoes, popscicles, ice cream and cottage cheese.

I really want him to get past this stage, because I find it beyond hard to resist those potatoes. I absolutely love instant potatoes. Don't know what it is about them, but I adore them. Nummy.

I've kept my portions small when I have stolen some from The Patient, but I want more. It's a massive craving right now. I'm actually writing this as a something to do with my hands instead of raiding the pan of 'tatoes.

My councelor would be thrilled that I took measures to distract myself from having more and my nutritionist would be upset that I had any. Can't please everybody all the time, I guess. :P

On a side note, related only to the tonsillectomy, Travis asked that "Soft Kitty" be sung to him, since he's not feeling well. I agree and sang to him, because I am, in fact, an excellent sorta-wife.


  1. hey Robin i really want to follow your blog but i can find the button is there a chance that you could help me out with that :)

    i am 25 have my own blog Naturally Orange
    and i also had gastric bypass i had my surgery on 3 28 12 and finding it very hard to stay on track :) anywho yes i want to follow your blog

  2. I now sing "Soft Kitty" to my daughter to get her to sleep. She is such a ham & just loves it. I joke that I am raising Sheldon lol.
