
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hospital Rambles

Few things...
1) Yay, Travis is coming to visit me! I haven't seen him since around 8 PM on Thursday, at which time I was loopy and all post-opish. I'm a big baby when I'm hurt and I want Travis cuddles.

Last night I told him to stay home because the three visitors I had exhausted me and it would have been a waste of a drive for him to come watch me sleep. Tonight, we're going to watch a movie and I'm going to get me some cuddles.

(ETA: yeah, I zonked out within a half hour of him showing up. Drugs are good, but they make me sleepy)

2) Heprin shots hurt like a mother.

3) Heprin allows for some spectacular bruises. My abdomen is covered in them...and adhesive. I'm all bruisy and sticky.

4) I'm suppose to go home tomorrow morning. I will be so happy to see Travis and be at home, but mostly I will be happy that there will be no one trying to stab me with a needle!

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