
Monday, May 7, 2012

I'm learning to like walking a lot. It's fun to see how fast I can go or how far I'll make it. Such a change from a year ago.

The problem now is that I get bored with my music pretty quickly and I use music as a way to distract myself so I keep going. Obviously, it's not good that my music is boring me if I want to keep moving.

While searching for more/new music, I had a thought: "what about audio books?" An ongoing story, if it's good and narrated well, would continually change, so I wouldn't get bored as easily. I could focus on the story, because, really, all I have to concentrate on while walking is putting one foot in front of the other.

I decided this idea had merit, so I joined Audible for only $8 a month for 3 months (jacks up to $15 a month after that). That gives me 1 credit (1 book) per month and a discount on others if I want to buy more. If it doesn't work out, I cancel my subscription. I figured I've spent far more than $8 on something that I hated before. This is a cheap enough risk.

After joining, I couldn't decide on a book. Too much pressure. What if I pick one that's poorly narrated and waste my one credit?! Also, I normally read some really trashy books (yep, like me some smut--especially vampire smut), but the idea of listening to some person read my smutty book to me made me blush. Eventually, I decided on the next book in a (less trashy) vampire series that I'd previously been really into--Night Huntress Series, book 4, by Jeaniene Frost.

Thanks to work and weather, I had to wait to go for a walk outside. Finally, I was able to get out yesterday and test out the audio book/walking idea. It went great!

I ended up walking about 1.3 miles. It took me 45 minutes because I wasn't in a hurry. The narrator took a little getting use to, but, eventually, I was pulled into the story and forgot that someone was reading it to me. In that 45 minutes, I made it through nearly two chapters. That means this book will last me SEVERAL walks, making it well worth my $8. :)

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