
Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Secret Dreams of a Chunky Chick

I have secret dreams about the results of losing a bunch of pounds--things that I've never told to anyone. They're things that I think most "normal" size women can do or experience.

I'm trying to be more open and stop bottling thoughts and feelings up about my weight, so, here's my list for the whole world to read:

  • Wear one of my boyfriend's t-shirts. This may be a chick-flick induced wish, but it's something I've never even had the option of doing. I have always outweighed him.
  • Fit comfortably in an airplane seat. I have completely avoided flying since my trip to Vegas 10 years ago. The seats were snug then and I'm bigger now. I have this fear that I'll get on the plane and the staff will make a big, public spectacle about saying that I need to buy a second seat.
  • Not have to check the weight-limit on items I'm considering purchasing. I've had to do this for folding chairs (wrecked a few, much to my humiliation), exercise equipment, a hammock I've been eyeing for years, etc.

I'm sure that there is more, but this is all I can come up with right now.

What I can say is that, while my weight has had a huge impact on my life, it hasn't ruined my life. I have great friends, family, a wonderful fiance, and a job and a home to go to each day. I try to maintain a positive attitude, even when life makes it tough, and remember that it could always be worse. Life, no matter it's limitations, is a gift.

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