
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fighting my cat for food

Ever tried defending your food from a food-obsessed feline? I experience this evertime I make a protein drink or when I have a meal.

We don't have a kitchen table--we have kitchen computer desks, because this apartment is so small. Laelah is allowed on the desk, but she's to stay away when we eat, which, of course, she doesn't do.

It's cute for a minute or so, when she's trying to pretend that she's there for affection and not the contents of my spoon. She rubs on my hand and purrs really loud. She also tries this slow move where she tries to cross in front of my laptop to my bowl. The goal, I think, is to move so slow that I don't see it. She's a big, fluffy, gray Maine Coon. She has no hope in a career as a ninja.

She also has huge anime eyes that she bats around when there's something she wants. You seen Puss in Boots from Shrek 2, where he makes all the people around him melt with "awwwwe"? Laelah's the live version. It makes it so hard to say no or be mad.

She get's treats quite often (too often, thanks to Travis) that she adores. She gets them so often that she even knows the difference in sounds between small plates that I use for dinner and the tea plates that Travis puts her treats on. She gets gooshy foods that make her happy and I get vitamins that make me feel yacky. How is this fair?

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