
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Tale From A Post-Op, Novice Cook

Splenda. I'm not a great fan, but it'll do in a pinch (like when it's free at work and I need a sweetener). Tonight, the pinch was my royally silly attempt at reducing the spicy-factor of the chili I made and brought for dinner.

A coworker told me to use sugar to reduce the spiciness. I can't have sugar. We debated back and forth about whether Splenda would work. Finally, I decided to throw caution to the wind, since it was a whopping 3.5 oz container of chili that I had in the fridge, so it wouldn't be a huge loss.

The result? A very sweet, slightly less spicy bowl of "eh". It wasn't great. It wasn't horrible. It was just an amusing example of the strange things we Healthy Journey-ists (WLSers and non, alike) will do to have good taste and stay on track


  1. I just read your ENTIRE blog. I'm getting WLS on May 23 and it was so wonderful to read a blog of someone who was 1) not far off post-opp 2) close in age and location (I live in Madison, but I'm from the LaCrosse area. I'm assuming that's close to you because you mentioned Eau Clarie in a post of yours.) 3) that is so open to sharing every detail of what this was like. I'm nervous and excited going in to my surgery and like you a fear of mine is dealing with the diet afterwards (and the emotions!). After reading your posts I feel a more informed about how this could look. Thank you for your sharing, your time and effort. Really, this is so far the best blog I've read about WLS. And as you might know, there are a bunch out there!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm **beyond** thrilled that you have found this blog helpful.

      I am in the Eau Claire area. Slightly north, actually.

      Congrats and good luck with your upcoming surgery! Being nervous and excited is normal (and quite healthy, I think). I was very nervous before mine and then, as soon as I woke up afterward in my room, I thought, "this isn't bad at all. Why didn't I do it sooner?!"

      Again, best wishes to you in May! You'll do fantastic, I'm sure!
