
Saturday, January 21, 2012

1st Nutritionist Appt/New food plan

Went to see my Nutritionist for the first time since my surgery. She advanced my diet a bit, which I'm both happy about and nervous.

Instead of primarily protein, at the expense of veggies. It was easy to deal with 3 oz of protein, because I could just make something, weigh it, and flop it into a container. Easy-peasy.

Now, I have to plan out three parts of each meal--1 oz protein, 1/4 cup veggies, and 2 tbsp starch. Meh. Complicated.

Also, how the hell do I get enough protein eating the new way? Hmmm? I am required to get 50-60 grams of protein a day, to make sure that, as I lose weight, my body gets rid of fat, not lean muscle.

As I was eating, I'd sometimes get 70 grams, but mostly pretty close to 60. Cutting my protein down by 2/3 each meal is going to make a dent in my protein intake. I can't use a real protein shake (I use Carnation Instant Breakfast) because, when I tried one a couple weeks ago, it made me sick. So, I'm not getting as much as I could from a shake to balance the reduction in food based protein.

I'm sure it'll work out. Just takes some time to learn what and how to do things. I'm not a fan of change, but life is full of it and I'm learning to roll with what's thrown at me.

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